COVID-19 Statement
“Here at City Tile we value the wellbeing of our customers and staff first and foremost. To that end we take every reasonable precaution to ensure that all our clients are abiding by the health Canada guidelines regarding sanitizing, masks and social distancing. We require that all our clients respect these guidelines. We have found that most people are mindful of this but in some cases a reminder is necessary. We have signage at our front door, main counter and social distancing reminder stickers on the floor of each of our isles. Our staff have been trained to provide a friendly reminder that these are requirements set forth for us by health Canada in order for us to continue conducting business. Unfortunately these are required to shop within our establishment. We also understand that not all people are able to abide by these requirements and in that regard we are more than happy to provide curb-side assistance for any of our shoppers requiring this service.
With a little bit of patience and cooperation we can all get through this together.”
Owner of Nanaimo Location
Dominic Staniscia