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10 Budget Saving Ideas to Freshen Up Your Bathroom

The idea of a dream spa, conveniently located down the hallway in your own bathroom, can certainly be appealing to most of us. Who doesn’t want textured, expensive tile, shining high-end fixtures, and a feeling of deep inner peace every time they step into their own private sanctuary? But after you consider the costs and labour, that dream can come crashing down rather quickly.

Creativity is Key

But money should never prevent anyone from devising the fresh, bright bathroom they desire. And conveniently, City Tile has an excellent selection of bath renovation materials ready to inspire! Make a splish-splash in your bath with these terrific (and simple) ideas, all under budget.


1.  Do the work yourself. Instead of hiring out contractors for everything from the tile work to installing new fixtures, engage the help of a handy friend or spouse and enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done and a lump sum of money saved.

2.  Nothing brings instant freshness to the bath like a shiny new faucet, massage/rain showerhead, and taps. Consider what match with the rest of the home next to what is trendy and traditional. Go with the finish you love the most.

3.  Instead of tiling the entire bath area, focus on tiling a floor or backsplash behind the counter sink. Invest in beautiful, artsy tile for a huge impact in the overall bath design. You can save a great deal of money tiling an accent area instead of the entire bathroom.

4.  A brilliant penny tile floor in the shower stall may be all it takes to bring some shimmer back to your bathroom.

5.  A granite countertop is not out of the question when undertaking a renovation. Since the bathroom counter is typically smaller than a kitchen counter, a lower priced, less popular colour of granite may perfectly compliment a newly painted bathroom.

6.  City Tile has a gorgeous selection of artistic contemporary rugs. So if you don’t want to spend tons of cash on a new bathroom, throw down a beautiful carpet instead for immediate glamour.

7.  Instead of complete tile, paint three walls and tile one feature wall in dynamic tile, such as Nature or Mood. A Waterfall glass mosaic would also be an affordable, stunning element.

8.  For instant spa appeal with little expenditure, have towel warmers installed.

9.  Most of us don’t think about grout and caulk until we’re performing a tile job. But over time, they can really make a bathroom look tired and old. However, for very few dollars, cleaning the grout and adding straight, clean lines of caulk around the tub and sink offers instant sparkle.

10.  Fashion a stunning monochromatic effect by painting the bathroom walls to match the tile already installed on the floors, or vice versa. 


Spend only what you can afford and shower and soak in peace afterwards. Your wallet and bank account will thank you for it.

Also remember to pay it forward. If you’re replacing old faucets and fixtures, be sure to donate the old to your local charity thrift shop or ReStore. 


We all spend a great deal of time in our bathrooms and typically begin and end our day in there. Why not make it the space you love where you find continuous inspiration? From a small tile job to carefully selected coordinated thick and thirsty towels, make your bathroom dreams sparkle and come to life.